Sugar, Maize and Soybean

  • Office 11, Westlake Square, Tokai, Cape Town
  • +27 82 576 1620
The Original Grain Company

Advanced Agri Product Purchasing

Our new innovative program for 2023, ADVANCED AGRI PRODUCT PURCHASING. Currently focussed on Soybean Crop, this program allows farmers to focus on managing the crop, to obtain its full yield having secured a buyer upon planting as well as part payment against the crop. This initiative frees up cash flow for farmers at the early stage of planting, and guarantees the sale of the crop at Harvest. This is not a loan, and there is no interest or fees, it is an advanced purchase. For more details or to apply to become a part of this exciting initiative , please contact Waseem on 061 478 7803 or

Soybean is a major crop grown around the world, and it is an important source of protein for both human and animal consumption. Here's a general overview of soybean crop and harvest:


  • Planting: Soybean is typically planted in the spring, after the soil has warmed up to a temperature of at least 10°C. The seeds are planted in rows, and the spacing between rows and seeds can vary depending on the specific variety and the farming practices used.

  • Growing season: Soybean plants require warm temperatures and adequate moisture to grow well. During the growing season, the plants will undergo several stages of development, including emergence, vegetative growth, flowering, and pod filling.

  • Pest and disease management: Soybean crops can be vulnerable to a range of pests and diseases, including insects, weeds, and fungal infections. Farmers use a variety of methods to manage these threats, including crop rotation, chemical sprays, and genetic engineering.

  • Harvest: Soybeans are typically harvested in the fall, after the plants have matured and the pods have filled with seeds. The timing of the harvest can vary depending on the region and weather conditions, but it generally occurs when the soybean plants have reached physiological maturity, which is when the seeds have reached their maximum size and moisture content.


  • Preparation: Before harvesting soybeans, farmers will usually inspect the fields to ensure that the plants are at the right stage of maturity and that the weather conditions are favourable for harvesting. They may also use machinery to cut and remove any weeds or other debris from the fields..

  • Harvesting: Soybeans can be harvested using a range of techniques, including combine harvesters, which are large machines that cut and thresh the plants to remove the seeds. Some farmers may also use hand labour or small-scale machinery to harvest their crops..

  • Drying and storage: After the soybeans have been harvested, they may need to be dried to reduce their moisture content and prevent spoilage. Farmers may use natural or artificial drying methods, depending on the climate and other factors. Once the soybeans are dry, they can be stored in silos or other facilities until they are ready to be sold or processed.

Overall, the successful cultivation and harvest of soybeans requires careful attention to the planting, growing, and harvesting process, as well as effective pest and disease management and proper storage and handling of the harvested crop.