Sugar, Maize and Soybean

  • Office 11, Westlake Square, Tokai, Cape Town
  • +27 82 576 1620
The Original Grain Company


Soybeans, also known as soya beans, are the beans of a species of legume, Glycine max. Although Chinese farmers began growing soybeans more than 5,000 years ago, it wasn't until the 1800s that they were planted in the United States. Currently, the U.S. is responsible for 50 percent of soybean production. Soybeans are harvested either green or mature and then sold fresh or dried. The immature soybeans are called edamame; they are smooth, crisp, and firm, retain their texture after cooking, and are sold frozen and fresh. Mature soybeans are a light brown color and are available in and out of the pod; dried are smaller and require soaking and cooking.

The small, round soybean seeds have a tiny dark spot (called hilum) and are most often a pale yellow color. They are available as beans, although sometimes are offered in the pods, which contain three beans each.

The recent crop is now available from both our sources and suppliers in Malawi and Zambia. Soybean is widely used for the extraction of cooking oil with sudden high demands in Zimbabwe and surrounds spiking the price of the recent crop.